Robot Gives Birth.

  • August 31, 2020


What is the vernix caseosa and can you see it in a 4D ultrasound?

  • August 26, 2020

  What is the vernix caseosa and can you see it in a 4D ultrasound? The vernix caseosa is a protective layer on your tiny growing miracles skin. It appears as a white, cheese-like substance. This coating develops on the baby’s skin while in the womb. Traces of the substance may appear on the skin after birth. You may wonder, what’s the purpose of this coating? To understand the role of the vernix caseosa, think of how your skin responds to too much water exposure. After swimming or taking a bath, it doesn’t take long for your fingers and skin to develop wrinkles. Fluids have the same...


Water Intake For A Good Ultrasound

  • August 19, 2020

We ask our moms to be to double up on their water intake the entire week before an ultrasound. Many times, moms think this means a full bladder; it does not. To obtain a 3D/4D ultrasound, our waves need to travel through the fluid. More fluid in front of baby’s face means better quality of pictures. If a baby is right up against the placenta or the side of the uterus, the waves have to travel through these too and back from the face, causing a cloudy look. It usually takes 2-4 days for fluid to reach the uterus from drinking, which is why we ask that you increase the water intake the ENTIRE...


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